Does your Fire Investigator know the difference between temperature and heat? What about your opponents? At Kennedy & Associates, We KNOW. We fully understand fire, flame & heat and the underlying physics.
Many Fire Investigators lack a deeper scientific knowledge of even the most fundamental concepts in Fire Science. Before you hire an expert ask them...
1. Explain the difference between temperature and heat...
2. What is absolute temperature?
3. What is the technical definition of fire?
Read our research papers on heat, energy and its measurement, presented at ISFI 2012.
Just because the labels says non-flammable doesn’t mean it won’t burn, We’ve done the research & testing, your case benefits.
You need an expert that understands how these products are tested, how labels & warnings are written and what manufacturers do to bend the rules to their advantage.
Read our research on flashpoint flammability testing, the outgassing phenomena, and our novel approach to finding the real fire dangers of consumer paints, strippers, solvents and glue.
We can help you & your client make a case against an unsafe product – from testing to testimony, label to liability.
Presented at major conferences.
Nationally known lecturers.
Ask us how we can apply our expertise and research to your case.
Backdraft, Flashover, and Other Rapid Fire Progression Phenomena
A Detailed Look at the Necked Vessel Flame Thrower Effect
Depth of Calcination Measurement In Fire Origin Analysis
A Fire Analysis Tool Revisited - Acoustic Soot Agglomeration in Residential Smoke Alarms.